NMRWA 47th Annual Conference

Our conference is a great opportunity to learn about new industry trends, services and products, while earning up to 18 water operator/board member/professional development credit hours.  The conference brings together board members, managers, operators, regulators, industry representatives, funding agency staff, lawmakers and community leaders.

SIGN UP FOR THE ZENNER ULTIMATE METER CHALLENGE! (Click flyer above for larger version.)  The grand prize winner will automatically advance to the National Rural Water competition (registration & travel paid), for a chance to win a trip for two to Hawaii!  Get your practice meter free by completing and submitting your registration form located at this link:  ZENNER REGISTRATION

Exhibitor Invitation Packet
Exhibitor Booth Map Updated 3/23/2025
  Note: RED Exhibitor Booths are Sold Out
Volunteer Presenter Form (return to quintin@nullnmrwa.org)

Registration Fees List
Registration Link
Tentative Conference Schedule (2/20/2025)
Membership Meeting Delegation Form

Contact Ruth at ruth@nullnmrwa.org if you have questions or need assistance with registration.

Awards Criteria Sheet
Awards Nomination Form

(Awards Luncheon scheduled Thursday, April 17, 2025)

Isleta Resort & Casino in Association with Fresquez Productions, Inc. Presents JacksonWink Fight ...

NMRWA’S 47th Annual Conference will be held at the
Isleta Resort & Casino.

NMRWA has reserved a block of guest rooms at the rate of $159 (plus taxes and fees) (1 King Bed or 2 Queen Beds) at the Isleta Resort & Casino.  Reservations must be made by March 14, 2025, to receive this rate.
Hotel Reservations (505) 724-3800; Refer to Group Code:  NMR0425
Or make reservations at this link:  LODGING RESERVATIONS

Isleta Resort & Casino
11000 Broadway, SE
Albuquerque, NM  87105

7 minutes south of downtown Albuquerque
at Interstate 25 & Highway 47, exit 215

No Resort Fee
Complimentary Wi-Fi in Meeting & Guest Rooms
Complimentary Valet & Self-Parking
Complimentary Shuttle to/from Albuquerque Airport




14th Annual Southern Fall Conference

NMRWA’s water and wastewater conferences are the industry training events in the state and bring together board members, managers, operators, regulators, industry representatives, funding agency staff, lawmakers and community leaders.

The 14th Annual NMRWA Annual Southern Fall Conference will be held at the Las Cruces Convention Center, 680 E University Avenue, Las Cruces, on October 1-3, 2024.



Map showing exhibit booths at this link:  Exhibit Hall Interactive Map FINAL Exhibit Booths Sold Out

Conference Schedule at this link:  Conference Schedule UPDATED 9/29/2024

EXHIBITORS and ATTENDEES – Please complete the registration form located at this link:  2024 FALL CONFERENCE REGISTRATION.   Click on “Select Registration Type” and complete the registration form.

LODGING AVAILABLE at this link: Courtyard by Marriott at NMSU, 456 E University Avenue, Las Cruces.  Hotel reservations must be made by September 15, 2024, in order to receive the $159 conference rate.  Or call the hotel at (575) 526-1722 and ask for Reservations.  Make a reservation under group block “NM RURAL WATER ASSOCIATION.”

We are excited to continue the tradition of hosting this conference and look forward to seeing you there!

Questions about registration?  Contact Ruth Cox at ruth@nullnmrwa.org.

Water Conservation Fund Annual List of Contaminants for Calendar Year 2022

NMED Banner

Drinking Water Bureau


Dear Water System Official:

Pursuant to the Environmental Improvement Act Section 74-1-13(G), annually NMED compiles a list of contaminants required to be tested by public water systems over the next twelve months for which the sampling costs will be covered by the Water Conservation Fund. When developing this list of contaminants, NMED shall also consider the availability of funds in the Water Conservation Fund, the needs of public water supplies being tested for additional contaminants and public health and safety.

Over the past year, NMED has continued to work towards long term solvency of this important fund. Although the WCF expenses continue to outpace its revenues, NMED secured a $600,000 Legislative appropriation to help with WCF program expenses. With this appropriation, NMED is pleased to announce that the WCF will pay for the laboratory costs of all Safe Drinking Water Act regulated contaminants during Calendar Year 2022.

NMED will continue to work toward long term solvency of the WCF and also continue to provide annual notification to public water systems about the services that can be covered by the Fund’s revenues from year to year.

This announcement serves as NMED’s notification to your public water system of the contaminant analysis that will be paid for by the Water Conservation Fund (WCF) during calendar year 2021. (January 1-December 31, 2022)  

A full copy of the WCF notification letter and contaminant list can be found here:  https://service.web.env.nm.gov/urls/MVSEdOnS

If you have any questions or concerns about this notification, please contact Bethany Anderson, Water Conservation Fund Manager, by email at Bethany.Anderson@nullstate.nm.us. 

Ground Water Level Monitoring Collaborative

Check out the latest news regarding the Ground Water Level Monitoring Collaborative:

Collaborative Ground Water Monitoring Network 

“The Aquifer Mapping Program at New Mexico Bureau of Geology and Mineral Resources (NMBGMR), with funding from Healy Foundation, is developing a statewide Collaborative Groundwater Monitoring Network for New Mexico. This voluntary Network will gather new and existing data on groundwater levels to help us understand how our state’s groundwater resources are changing through time, promote increased awareness of water issues around New Mexico, and provide an important foundation for making informed water-management decisions.”

For more information contact:

Martha Graham, NMRWA

Source Water Protection Program



Stacy Timmons, NMBGMR

Aquifer Mapping Program Manager



Sara Chudnoff, NMBGMR




41st Annual Conference Recap

This year New Mexico Rural Water Association hosted their 41st Annual Conference at Hotel Albuquerque at Old Town. The conference took place on April 6-8, 2019. The conference offered a variety of speakers and courses ranging from Water and Wastewater Operations to hot topics like Cyber-Security Guidance and Wildfire Impact on Drinking Water. The event also featured over 70 exhibitors covering a myriad of services and new products in the water industry.

On Monday night of the conference the Exhibitor Meet and Greet took place, giving vendors and attendees the opportunity to meet and demonstrate products in a fun setting with musical entertainment provided by Luz de Luna. The tradition of the door prize raffle was also continued this year with participation from over 15 vendors raffling off items such as TVs, gift cards, water purifying devices, and sports jerseys.  

As a member-based non-profit, NMRWA relies on the participation of its members during our annual meeting to assist in electing representatives from your region to the Board of Directors and Executive Committee. We ask that all systems send a delegate to represent your system and your voice. Your vote helps all water systems in New Mexico and your continuous support of all rural water systems! 

The Board of Directors and Executive Committee members elected are:

Board of Directors 

Don Archuleta, Blanco MDWCA

Silviano Atencio, Tierra Amarilla MDWCA

Richard Chavez, Puerto de Luna

Larry Cowan, San Antonino MDWCA

Patricio Garcia, Agua Sana WUA

Jubal Hall, Village of Cloudcroft

Jennifer Horton, Dona Ana MDWCA

John L. Jones, Forest Park Property Owners Coop

David Kenneke, Philmont Scout Ranch

Aaron Lee, Lee Acres Water Users Association 

W. Keith Lee, Lower Valley WUA

Debbie Leschner, Quemado Lake Water Association

Orlando Lopez, Manzano MDWCA

Sherman Martin, Village of Hope

Cheri Moore, La Luz MDWCA & MSWA

Tom Phillips, Leasburg MDWCA

Leona Powell, Village of Grady

Richard Rumpf, Village of Magdalena 

Rudy Sales, Village of Hope

Gavin Strathdee, Madrid Water Coop

Jose Terrones, Anthony W&SD

Daniel Tso, Flora Vista MDWCA

Eulalio Vallejos, Aragon MDWCA

Mike Vigil, Miami Mutual Domestic Water Users Association

Executive Committee

Jose Terrones, President

Jennifer Horton, Vice President

John Jones, National Director/Legislative Chair

Leona Powell, Director

Aaron Lee, Director
Gavin Strathdee, Director

Dave Kenneke, Past President

Jim Dunlap, Director Emeritus

The conference also hosted the NMRWA & Bohannan Huston, Inc. Water Taste Test. Systems from all over New Mexico had the chance to compete for the title of Best Tasting Water in New Mexico. The winning system this year was the Town of Estancia who will represent New Mexico’s rural water systems in Washington, DC at the annual Rural Water Rally in 2020.Winners receive airfare and hotel accommodations courtesy of Bohannan-Huston, Inc., to travel to Washington DC and participate in the National Rural Water Association’s Great American Water Taste Test. Winners will also be able to meet with New Mexico’s Congressional Delegation and have the opportunity to tour our nations beautiful capital! 

New Mexico Rural Water Association recognizes the outstanding services and commitment of the men and women involved in operating, managing, directing, and supporting New Mexico’s water and wastewater utilities through our Annual Awards Ceremony. Each year NMRWA solicits nominations from its membership for anyone who has gone above and beyond the call of duty this year so that their service may be recognized. The award recipients recognized during the awards ceremony during NMRWA’s 41st annual conference are:

Small System of the Year – Trampas MDWCA

Medium System of the Year – Upper La Plata Water

Large System of the Year – Raton Water Works

Tribal System of the Year – Zia Community Water System 

Wastewater System of the Year – Santa Ana MBR Wastewater Facility

Small Water System Operator – Gavin Strathdee, Lamy MDWA

Medium Water Operator of the Year – Nicolas Cardenas, Philmont Scout Ranch 

Large System Co-Water Operators of the Year – Dwight James, System Manager, and Larry Kennedy, Field Operator, Upper La Plata Water 

Wastewater Operator of the Year – Steve Sanchez, Utility Operator, Santa Ana Pueblo

Small Tribal Operator of the Year –Dennis Wing, Santa Ana Pueblo

Medium Tribal Operator of the Year – Leland Gachupin, Utilities Operator Level 2, Zia Community Water System 

Office Manager of the Year – Carol Garcia, La Luz MDWCA & MSWA

Director (Board Member) of the Year – Cheri Moore, President, La Luz MDWCA & MSWA

Instructor of the Year – Heather Jennings, Senior Project Engineer, Bio Huma Netics, Inc./Probiotics Solutions

John Paden Award for Outstanding Service – Dr. Russell Isaac, P.E., NMED Ground Water Quality Program 

Associate Member of the Year – Preston Patterson, Integration & Controls Solutions

Excellence in Environmental Achievement of the Year – The City of Raton/Raton Water Works

Legislator of the Year – Susan Herrera

We appreciate all vendors, attendees, volunteers, and staff for making our 41st Annual Conference a success! We look forward to seeing you all again next year for our 42nd Annual Conference in 2020. Be sure to keep an eye out for more information on our website, www.nmrwa.org.