Level 3 Wastewater Operator

Company: Mora MDWCA
Website/URL: http://
Date Posted: December 30, 2024
Job Description:

The Mora MDWCA located in Mora County, New Mexico is looking to hire a Level 3 Wastewater Operator.


Mora currently owns and operates approximately 4 miles of public sanitary gravity sewer system constructed in the 1960s and a later installed gravity/pressure sewer system connecting to the community of El Alto, located to the north. This system currently serves 142 active customers. Mora also owns and operates a 0.052 MGD moving bed biofilm reactor (MBBR) WWTP operating under NPDES Surface Water Discharge Permit No. NM0024996 constructed in 2014 to 2016. The existing treatment system consists of a manually cleaned bar screen, MBBR treatment process system sized for 52,000 gallons per day, chemical feed systems for addition of alkalinity, carbon and alum, an ultraviolet light disinfection system that is not currently in use, tablet fed chlorination/de-chlorination chambers, contact chambers, and two repurposed lagoons. The North Lagoon functions as a high-water overflow during high flow events and the South Lagoon’s intended function is as storage for digested sludge. The South Lagoon is currently not being used as waste sludge, instead the sludge is being disposed of directly from the aerobic digester into a septage hauler truck for subsequent transport and disposal. The treated effluent from the treatment facility is discharged to the Mora River.


Interested individuals must have knowledge of basic computer skills and be familiar with Word, Excel, Accounting Software, Meter Reading Software, etc., have good interpersonal skills, work regular business hours, self-motivated and work in the Mora area.  


If you’re interested, please contact Antonio Jarmillo at [email protected] and/or Alissa Herrera at [email protected].